MIMORE Data Resources - diddd
Diversity in Dutch DP Design
The data in DiDDD (Diversity in Dutch DP Design;
were collected between 2005 and 2009 with oral and written interviews in about 200 locations in the
Dutch language area, with a methodology highly parallel to DynaSAND. The data involve translations
of and judgements on test sentences. For 29 interviews there are sound recordings which have been
lined up with their transcriptions. The DIDDD data cover the morphosyntactic variation within nominal
groups, in particular possessives, partitives, noun ellipsis, the demonstrative system, the numeral
modification system, what-for constructions, quantitative er, adjectival inflection, negation
and exclamatives.
Please use the following reference:
Corver, N. et al (2011). Database Diversity in Dutch DP Design (DDiDD).
Utrecht, UiL-OTS. URL: https://diddd.meertens.knaw.nl/dp_vragenlijst/.
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