MIMORE Data Resources - gtrp
Morfologische Atlas van de Nederlandse Dialecten
The data in GTRP (Goeman, Taeldeman, van Reenen Project;
were collected between 1979 and 2000 with oral interviews in about 600 locations in the Dutch
language area. Informants were asked to translate words or short sentences. Part of the transcriptions
have been lined up with the sound recordings. The morphological data in GTRP include plural forms of
nouns, diminutives, gender on nouns and adjectives, comparatives, superlatives, verbal inflection
including participles, subject, object and possessive pronouns.
Please use the following reference:
De Schutter, G. et al (2005). Morfologische Atlas van de Nederlandse Dialecten (MAND).
Amsterdam, Meertens Institute.
URL: https://sand.meertens.knaw.nl/database/.
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